May the merit and virtue accrued from this work
Adorn the Buddhas’ Pure Lands,
Repaying four kinds of kindness above
And aiding those suffering in the paths below.
May those who see and hear of this
All bring forth the resolve for Bodhi
And, when this retribution body is over,
Be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Comments (1)

On June 21, 2011 at 9:49 AM , Mark Errington said...

Namo Amituofo, Pure Land brother !
This is a nice little blog you have here.
I'm a solitary cultivator from England and it's nice to keep in touch with cultivator's worldwide. I'm also a member of Dharma Wheel and Jing Xin Yuan forums.
Can I ask you, is your practice solely PL or a mix with Ch'an and other Mahayana ?
Mine is a formal sitting meditation practice, walking meditation and nienfo. PL sutras foremost but I'm on a bit of an Avatamsaka crusade at the moment :)
As a sole practitioner, the net is a wonderful place for resources.
I'm particularly fond of Master Hsuan Hua, Heng Sure, Yinshun, Sheng Yen, Chin Kung and many more.
Keep up the good work.